Week 9

Improving Game Mechanics & Enivronment


Considering professor's feedback on the environment and game progression, we changed the environment making it more immersive and interactive and improved the game flow.


We refactored the platform and designed a space station. To improve the game environment, we added a mountainous terrain. These were the assets added:

Here are some game scene screenshots:

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Game Progression

To improve the game progression in difficulty, we added the following four levels:

  • Level 1: Obstacles: Asteroids; Weapons:Guns
  • Level 2: Obstacles: Asteroids approaching at a higher speed and frequency; Weapons:Guns
  • Level 3: Obstacles: Drones shooting lasers; Weapons: Guns and shield (activated on pressing the grab grip button) to dodge the lasers
  • Level 4: Obstacles: Asteroids and Drones; Weapons: Guns and shield
  • Level 5: Obstacles: Asteroids and Drones with higher rate and frequency; Weapons: Guns and shield


  • Drone Movement
  • Adding functionalities to grab grip button on the controller